Zacharof Ioannis

1.         Surname                                  :           ZACHAROF

2.         Forenames                              :           IOANNIS

3.         Date and place of Birth          :           03/05/1944 Athens, Greece

4.         Nationality                              :           Greek

5.         Civil Status                             :           Married


Permanent Address                : 2, Apostolou Pavlou St. 15123 Athens, Greece

Contact Address                     : Same as above

Contact Telephone/ fax          : Tel: + 302106746575 / 302106851360 Fax: +302106747205

Mobile                                     : +306944209820

Contact e-Mail address          :


6.         Education


1. Institution

National Technical University of Athens

Date: From/ to

10/1962 – 11/1967


Diploma in Civil Engineering

2. Institution

Institut national Polytechnique de Toulouse E.N.S.E.E.I.H.T.

Date: From/ to

09/1970 – 06/1971


Master of Science in Hydraulic Civil Engineering

3. Institution

ACTIM, Paris

Date: From/ to

04/1974 – 07/1974


Seminars in Environmental Engineering


7.         Language Skills (marks 1 to 5 for competence):

































8          Membership of Professional Bodies:


  • Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece
  • FEANI, the European Engineering Council
  • Registered Consultant with the Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works
  • Member of the Executive Committee Hellenic Association of Consultants of Hydraulic Works


9.                  Other Skills/ H&S qualifications:


  • Expert office IT user, with strong mathematical and analytical skills
  • Very familiar with infrastructure development, implementation of public works, structural funds and cohesion policy.
  • Extensive experience in engineering design, preparation of tender documents, cost engineering.
  • Familiar with FIDIC rules.


10.       Present Position:


  • Self – Employed Consultant, Director and General Manager HYDROMON Consulting Ltd


11.       Years of professional Experience:


  • 51 Years


12.       Career Résumé Relevant to This Assignment:


  • 41 years of general professional and technical experience in all stages of infrastructure development. Specific demonstrable experience in developing infrastructure projects, assisting in all phases of tendering and implementation as well as extensive experience in programme management, evaluation and monitoring.
  • Experience in development/programming/evaluation of structural interventions financed through public funds and International Institutions (World Bank etc) and since Greece’s membership in the EU, the various Community Support Frameworks for Greece and the Cohesion Fund together with the more recent regional funding instruments PHARE CBC, INTERREG, CADSES and ARCHIMED programmes.
  • Extensive knowledge of structural fund interventions and preparing bids for EU funded projects in the wider Balkans region (Structural Funds, Cohesion Fund, ISPA, LIFE, INTERREG etc).
  • Preparation and Evaluation of numerous project proposals in all programming periods: 1989 – 1993, 1994 – 1999, 2000-2006 for the Hellenic Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works, Ministry of Development.
  • Knowledge of Project Cycle Management


13.       Employment Record






Self – Employed

Self – Employed


14.       Specific Experience Record


Date: from (year) to (year)


Company/ Position/ Client

Brief Description of project

1. EU 15


1967 – present

Athens, Greece

Self – Employed Consultant





CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Project pipeline preparation, management and implementation of infrastructure projects mainly funded through the Greek Community Support Framework 2000 – 2006 on behalf of different administrative bodies, such as Ministries, Regional and Local Authorities.


Expertise in various fields of engineering and sustainable development relating to project technical and administrative maturity and bid preparation for funding especially in infrastructure development.


Extensive experience in preparing project proposal bids in the wider Balkans region through various funding mechanisms (INTERREG, PHARE, ISPA, ARCHIMED, CADSES, LIFE, LIFE+ etc).




04/2007 08/2007

Prefecture of Magnesia, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Preparation of an integrated report analysing the Regional and Sectoral Operational Programs of the 4th Programming Period 2007 – 2013 for Greece and analysis of the steps required for project pipeline preparation for the Prefecture of Magnesia.


06/2007 present

Athens, Greece



Preliminary report and feasibility study on the required infrastructure works (water supply, sewerage, drainage and flood protection, irrigation etc) for the implementation of the benefaction to the Hellenic State by the “Stavros Niarchos Foundation” which will form one of the largest urban development projects in modern Athens including a National Library, an Educational Park and an Opera.



05/2005 present

Region of Eastern Attiki, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Flood Protection Study of Oropos 1st Geographical District, Outline and detailed Design, torrent regulation and control, flood protection works, small dams, embankments, technical works, environmental assessment, socio-economic evaluation, bidding documents. The project is funded through the 3rd Community Support Framework for Greece 2000 – 2006.




Municipality of Chios, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Prefecture of Chios Island, upgrading the island’s transport infrastructure, including technical (preliminary, outline and detailed design, technical structures, bridges) and administrative project maturity as well as securing and managing funding. Most sub-projects were funded through the 3rd Community Support Framework for Greece 2000 – 2006, and more are proposed for the 4th Programming Period 2007 – 2013.




Municipality of Leros, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Municipality of Leros Island, upgrading the island’s sanitary infrastructure (including Networks Outline and Detailed Design, Sewage Treatment Plant Design, Static control of Pumping Stations & Reservoirs, Electromechanical study of pumping stations, Structures). The project is funded through the 3rd Community Support Framework for Greece 2000 – 2006 and the Cohesion Fund.


The work included securing funding through the Cohesion Fund and the North Aegean Regional OP as well as assisting through to procurement and implementation.


08/2000 09/2006

EYDAP – Greater Athens Water Authority, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Upgrading the Greater Athens Water Supply – a major project whose implementation was also linked to the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, including:


·                Marcopoulo Reservoir 9000 m3, Pumping Station and Connection Works, Outline and Detailed Design, Surveying, Geological and Geotechnical Study and Survey, Static control of steel pipe, Static calculation of anchoring concrete blocks, Pumping Station, House Valve & Reservoir Detailed Design, Static control of Pumping Station & Reservoir, Preparation of Bidding Documents

·                Olympic Village supplementary water supply, Pumping Stations & Reservoirs Detailed Design Static control of Pumping Station & Reservoir, Water bridge study, River regulation works, Preparation of Bidding Documents


Various parts of the project were funded through the 3rd Community Support Framework for Greece 2000 – 2006 (OP Environment) and the Cohesion Fund.




Region of Thessaly, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Water Transportation to Karla lake, Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works, Thessaly Greece.

The Project refers to the construction of the water intake, irrigation pumping station, reservoir and 45 km water transportation canal from Pinios river to Karla lake, Irrigation Pumping Station & Reservoir Detailed Design, Static control of Pumping Station & Reservoir, Rectangular water canal, Trapezoidal canal, Structures, Preparation of Bidding Documents


This project forms a central part of the OP Environment in the 3rd Community Support Framework for Greece 2000 – 2006


10/1998 12/2004

Athens, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Municipality of Marcopoulo, Development and implementation of the Marcopoulo and Porto Rafti Coastal Zone sanitary infrastructure including detailed engineering design, preparation of bidding documents, application preparation for securing funding from Cohesion Fund and the Regional Operational Program of Attiki, in the the 3rd Community Support Framework for Greece 2000 – 2006.


10/1998 08/2004

Athens, Greece

JACOBS GIBB / Senior External Expert


Part of the team forming the Independent Engineer in charge quality control of the “Attiki Odos Motorway”, a major 70 km motorway built in Athens, Greece.


The “Attiki Odos Motroway” is the most significant infrastructure development project in the Greater Athens area and was funded through the 3rd Community Support Framework for Greece 2000 – 2006, the Cohesion Fund and private equity.


04/2004 10/2006

Municipality of Molai, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Municipality of Molai, Engineering design, securing funding, assisting in tendering and project management of the Molai-Pakia-Elea Diversion Transport project, funded through the Regional OP of Peloponnesus in the 3rd Community Support Framework for Greece 2000 – 2006


07/2003 09/2004

Municipality of Delphi, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Municipality of Delphi. Engineering design, securing funding, assisting in tendering and project management of the Delphi water supply network, including performing an environmental impact assessment, funded through the Regional OP of Sterea Ellada in the 3rd Community Support Framework for Greece 2000 – 2006


11/1993 04/1999

Municipality of Igoumenitsa Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works, Igoumenitsa Sewage Treatment and

Disposal, extended aeration treatment plant, e.p.18.000, sea outfall, funded through the 2nd Community Support Framework for Greece 1994 – 1999.


10/1990 12/1998

Municipality of Naxos, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Municipality of Naxos Island. Engineering design, securing funding, assisting in tendering and project management of the Naxos Island sanitary infrastructure, funded through the Regional Operational Program of Southern Greece in the 2nd Community Support Framework for Greece 1994 – 1999.


05/1995 11/1998

Municipality of Avlona, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Municipality of Avlona. Engineering design, securing funding, assisting in tendering and project management of the Drainage and Sanitary Networks and Sewage Treatment Plant Design, funded through the 2nd Community Support Framework for Greece 1994 – 1999.


04/1996 05/1997

Municipality of Thessaloniki, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager

Thessaloniki Industrial Area Tannery Sewage Treatment Plant, physical and chemical pretreatment, extended aeration full treatment, 120.000 e.p.

11/1995 12/1997

Region of Crete, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager

Municipality of Theriso, Agia lake communities sanitary sewerage infrastructure, funded through the 2nd Community Support Framework for Greece 1994 – 1999.

10/1991 11/1997

Municipality of Hydra, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Municipality of Hydra. Engineering design, securing funding, assisting in tendering and project management of the island’s water supply network infrastructure, funded through the 2nd Community Support Framework for Greece 1994 – 1999.


04/1994 09/1996

Region of Thessaly, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works. Engineering design, assisting in tendering and project management of the Smokovo dam (a major dam project in central Greece), funded through the 2nd Community Support Framework for Greece 1994 – 1999.


04/1994 12/1996

Athens, Greece


CONSULTING Ltd / General Director & Project Manager


Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works. Greater Athens water supply feasibility

study, technical and economic evaluation to cover water demand until 2030